Code Signing SSL Certificates

Code signing certificates offer authenticity verification, ensuring software comes from a trusted source, and integrity assurance by detecting code tampering. They establish user trust, mitigate security warnings, protect against malware, and help developers build their reputation.

code signing ssl
code signing ssl certificate

What is a Code Signing SSL Certificate?

A Code Signing SSL Certificate, also known as a Code Signing Certificate or Digital Signature Certificate, is a digital certificate used by software developers and publishers to sign their software applications and files. By attaching a unique digital signature to the code, it verifies the authenticity and integrity of the software, assuring users that it comes from a trusted source and has not been tampered with. Code signing establishes trust, enhances software reputation, and ensures compatibility with major operating systems, providing a secure method for software distribution and installation.


We offer the best prices for SSL certificates in different providers. You can compare and choose the best one for you.

Sectigo SSL
Sectigo Code Signing Certificate


  • 1 Domain
  • Organization & Individual Validation
  • Warranty N/A
  • Issuance in 1-3 Days
Sectigo SSL
Comodo Code Signing Certificate


  • 1 Domain
  • Organization Validation
  • Warranty N/A
  • Issuance in 1-2 Days
Sectigo SSL
Thawte Code Signing Certificate


  • 1 Domain
  • Organization Validation
  • Warranty $50,000
  • Issuance in 1 Week
Sectigo SSL
Comodo EV Code Signing Certificate


  • 1 Domain
  • Extended Validation
  • Warranty N/A
  • Issuance in 1-5 Days
Sectigo SSL
Sectigo EV Code Signing Certificate


  • 1 Domain
  • Extended Validation
  • Warranty N/A
  • Issuance in 1-5 Days
Sectigo SSL
Symantec Code Signing Certificate


  • 1 Domain
  • Organization Validation
  • Warranty $125,000
  • Issuance in 3-7 Days

Pricing Comparison

Our pricing comparison tool allows you to explore various options, compare features, and select the SSL certificate that fits your requirements & budget.

Features Price / Year Domain Issuance Time Warranty Action
Sectigo Code Signing Certificate $73.75 Single 1-3 Days N/A ORDER
Comodo Code Signing Certificate $88.25 Single 1-2 Days N/A ORDER
Thawte Code Signing Certificate $123.75 Single 1 Week $50,000 ORDER
Comodo EV Code Signing Certificate $361.25 Single 1-5 Days N/A ORDER
Sectigo EV Code Signing Certificate $361.25 Single 1-5 Days N/A ORDER
Symantec Code Signing Certificate $373.75 Single 3-7 Days $125,000 ORDER

SSL Certificate Providers

We offer SSL certificates from the leading Certificate Authorities (CAs) like Comodo, Sectigo, Thawte, GeoTrust, RapidSSL, and DigiCert.

Free SSL VS Paid SSL

Understanding the differences and weighing the benefits is crucial in making an informed decision

Featured Free Paid
Level of Security Basic encryption Strong encryption with advanced features
Validation and Trust Domain Validation (DV) Domain Validation (DV), Organization Validation (OV), Extended Validation (EV)
Browser Compatibility May have limited compatibility Widely recognized and compatible with all major browsers
Support and Assistance Limited support Dedicated customer support from the certificate authority
Warranty No warranty Warranty up to $1.75 million
Cost Free Varies based on certificate type and provider
Additional Features Limited features and options Extended features such as vulnerability assessments, enhanced warranty coverage, etc.